Trimble and Mary Gilbert
Bert Gildart
Over the years we have attended church
services provided by Trimble Gilbert at a small chapel overlooking the most
northern of all Indian villages in North America—Arctic Village. When the
congregation sings Amazing Grace in Gwich'in, few experiences are more moving,
for the Rev. Gilbert has a powerful voice.
But Mr.
Gilbert is much is in demand for yet other reasons. Throughout Alaska and Canada
we have listened to his lively fiddle and learned from the Gwich'in how to dance
the jig.
In his younger years, Trimble was a guide and perhaps one of
the most skilled of all outdoorsmen. Villagers tell of how he taught them to wick
water away with snow; how to survive in temperatures that might dip to -60
degrees F.
Interestingly, the marriage between Trimble and Mary was arranged by
their parents, as was the custom among the Gwich'in in those days. Perhaps such
methods were sound, for the marriage has lasted about 40 years.