A Day In the Life at Bay Bayou RV Resort
Bert Gildart: Much can happen in a 24-hour period of time, as we’ve just discovered after returning to Bay Bayou, where we’ll be for the upcoming week. We’re back because we have made a number of good friends with whom we want to maintain contact.
RIDING GROUP: We’re also here so I can drive to Orlando to see my uncle, and we’re back so I can write another story for one of the many publications for which I write regularly. We were here between the months of November and February, and during that period I turned out eight stories mostly for the RV crowd, but for other good publications as well.
While here, I joined a bicycle outing organized by the people of Bay Bayou, and while on the trip, invariably gossip flies. We learned that Diane Bludworth had been fired, and the news saddened us. We know little of the specifics, other than her comment to us that the management wanted to take the resort to a new level and didn’t believe she was capable. So now we know that, but we also know that Diane expended much time and energy trying to find us a site with some very short notice. We recall she always greeted us with a smile, and believe her capabilities will land her a new position with a group that appreciates her talents. And we think they are many!
Our group-bicycle trip took us to Dunedin, a small suburb of Tampa that we quickly reached. We lunched at Sea-Sea Riders, and then hopped back on our bikes for the ride back.

MARDI GRAS AT DENEDIN: That night we again returned to Dunedin as it was the last night of Lent, and the town was celebrating its version of Mardi Gras. All streets had been closed, and parking was on the outskirts. Thousands of people assembled, and our group consisted of a few of the many people with whom we can now call friends from our time at Bay Bayou. Like its much larger counterpart in New Orleans, this celebration featured a number of bands, and we listened to an excellent one as it performed its rendition of a Louis Armstrong song, What a Wonderful World.

THE LONG, LONG TRAILER: The next highlight of the day (actually a day and a half) was the arrival of a huge motorhome towing the largest recreational trailer we have ever seen. The trailer was two stories high and carried a boat with a large Yamaha engine, a jeep, and motorcycle.

GEORGE & HOPE: Many had gathered to see the arrival of “the long, long trailer” to include George Hartmann with his dog Hope. I’d seen the picturesque manner in which George transported Hope before, but had never had my camera with me when the two were out and about. But this time, I was ready, and offer my interpretation of the ultimate in dog comfort.
And so ends this entry, but with a closing note to wish Diane the very best.