Recommitting to another Century of Preserving A Sacred Land called Glacier National Park
©Bert Gildart: For the thousand-plus people who attended Glacier National Park’s 100-year celebration held May 11, 2010, the day could not have been better. The weather was perfect and the audience was in accord with the various dignitaries who offered remarks, which carried much meaning.
Backdropped by mountains in the Apgar Range and beneath a perfectly blue sky, Glacier Superintendent Chas Cartwright provided opening thoughts in which he summarized some of the ways in which Glacier now appears on a world stage.
He recalled that the 1.1 million acre park is a World Heritage Park, an International Peace Park and a Biosphere Preserve. He urged everyone to recommit to the support and protection of this sacred land we call Glacier.
“As we move into the second century,” said Cartwright,” the continued preservation of this special place is in the hands of the stewards we engage today.”
Cartwright, who is on a fast track to becoming the crowd-pleasing advocate of wilderness designation for much of Glacier, also talked about refurbishing the old but historic Heaven’s Peak Fire Lookout, which seemed to interest everyone.
He said that last year he had threaded his way through the underbrush with Resource Specialist Jack Potter and that as they ascended the lofty saddle between Heaven’s Peak and the old Heaven’s Peak Lookout he’d asked Potter, “When do we pick up the trail?”
“This,” Potter had said, “is the trail.”
Others spoke, too, and Montana Lt. Governor John Bohlinger recalled he’d been coming to the park since he was ten years old and that “[Glacier has] a long history of enchanting people.”
Bill Schustrom, a highly respected Glacier interpretive ranger for the last 22 years, said he wondered if President Taft “realized what he was setting in motion” as he was establishing Glacier as a protected national park.
Though all remarks were enthusiastically applauded speakers whose comments seemed particularly poignant were the Native Americans from the Blackfeet and Salish-Kootenai Reservations. Though Willie Sharp Jr, Steve Lozar and Rusty Tatsey all used different words, the general theme recalled past struggles as the government down- sized lands the tribes once dominated – and that included portions of what is now Glacier National Park.
CLICK TO SEE LARGER IMAGE. L to R: Blackfeet Tribal Chairman Willie Sharp, Salish-Kootenai College Instructor Steve Lozar, Blackfeet Tribal Vice-Chairman Peter ‘Rusty’ Tatsey.
Nevertheless, the men recognized the times for what they are and seemed to be saying that national park designation enabled Glacier to protect the mountains, valleys and the spiritual qualities their respective tribes so cherished.
“When our family experiences illness,” said Blackfeet Tribal Chairman Willie Sharp, “here is where we come.”

Four former Glacier superintendents joined Glacier's current superintendent, Chas Cartwright, center. Flanking Cartwright are Phil Iversen and Dave Mihalic to his right and Mick Holm and Bob Haraden to his left.
Several of the state’s leaders could not be present. Stand-ins, however, read speeches from the podium for Sen. Ryan Zinke, for Senator Jon Tester and for Rep. Denny Rehberg. Montana Senator Max Baucus wasn’t present either but from past experiences I am sure that he very much wanted nothing more than to attend. Once he and I climbed Triple Divide and in 1992 I escorted him around Arctic Village, Alaska, immediately adjacent to the Arctic Refuge. I was gratified when his stand-in said that on Monday night (May 10th) Baucus passed a resolution recognizing the park’s 100th birthday.
Baucus who recently helped settle oil and gas leases (much clapping) near Glacier offered a remark which fit this day of great harmony. “Once you’re in Glacier National Park, “said Baucus, “You’ll never be the same.” The remark drew one of the many standing ovations offered throughout the day and was in perfect accord with Superintendent Cartwright who offered an appropriate challenge:
“Together,” said Cartwright, “we can insure Glacier National Park remains a jewel in the Crown of the Continent.”
Without qualification, all seemed to be in accord.
*Natchez Trace and Arctic Refuge Images Used by Various Publications