Favorite Travel Quotes

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts."
-- Mark Twain
Innocents Abroad

"Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey." -- Fitzhugh Mullan

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving." -- Lao Tzu

Airstream Friends Depart Amidst Gloom. But Antidote Now Exists


Brian and Leigh departing Cottonwood. Note wind and snow do not affect Brian's hair.

©Bert Gildart: Though we’re in “sunny” Arizona, the white specs you may notice in the image are snow.  Not a particularly nice day to be departing but the somberness of the day matches the mood as we see the last of our “gang” departing for new landscapes.

First we watched our friends Nancy and Don depart, though we will see them in another day or two for several days.

Now, we’re watching Brian and Leigh depart (her blog tells of last night’s wine and cheese tasting) in their Airstream, reminding us that our winter adventures with all these grand people is coming to an end. In a few days, we too will be departing, heading for a writer’s conference in Bend, Oregon.

We have about 10 days to make the trip so we may stop at Death Valley, or perhaps Mojave National Preserve.


We’ve known Nancy and Don for a number of years, (In GNP five years ago) (Also see, “The Slabs”) but didn’t meet Brian and Leigh until this past September, but the meeting was momentous.  Both of us were buying new Airstreams from George Sutton’s in Eugene, Oregon, and that’s when our friendship developed.  As Leigh says, Airstreams form a basis for friendships as it shows we’ve got good tastes.  “That,” she says, is a start.”

This past week brought us all together at Dead Horse Campground near Cottonwood, AZ, and while here we’ve enjoyed lots of outings.  The other night we made the short trip to the old mining – now an artsy-oriented town – of Jerome.  The “gang” all dined at Quince’s and Leigh took a picture of Janie and me in front of the restaurant that we both liked.  (Rare!)


Perhaps the most exhilarating experience was enjoying the superb drinks “Bartender Brian” concocted, and one I’ll share.  Follow it exactly and I can guarantee that any problems you may have will evaporate into thin air.

Here’s his recipe for margaritas.

*Start with 2 ounces of Silver Tequila, add to it one ounce of Cointreau and one ounce of lime juice. Pour that on to a shaker of ice, and presto, you may now be on your way to heaven.


That may add some CHEERS  and be an antidote to this gloomy weather — and the departure of some of our Airstream  friends.

Plans call for us to be back at our “other” home first week of May.




*Organ Pipe and Armed Escort




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