A sampling of Gildart photos.
Welcome to a sampling of the words and images amassed by Bert and Jane Gildart over several decades of work. Some of the 350-plus stories and the thousands of published photographs have won awards. Go to our Stock Photo Page and you will find a list of clients who have helped us in both our domestic and international travels. Go to the Career Profile Page and you’ll find out what Bert has been doing the past 35 years.
ARCTIC REFUGE: You will also see that we have devoted an entire page to the Gwich’in Indians, whose lives depend directly on the integrity of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Most of their 15 tiny villages are contiguous with the refuge—or dependent on the refuge—and that’s true even of Gwich’in located in Canada. Several years back, we served as teachers in a number of the tribe’s villages, and we will always have a soft spot in our hearts for these resourceful people.
GREAT DEPTH: The bulk of our site, however, is devoted to the incredible richness provided by our Natural Lands, and our entries range from coast to coast and corner to corner. As well, we have other albums in our Gallery devoted to Montana and to Glacier National Park, logical, as Montana is our home state. Our Weblog is devoted to the joys derived by virtue of the travels required to reach these destinations, and for us, there is of necessity much RV Travel involved. This mode of travel is something we have come to thoroughly enjoy—and that we now write about often. In fact, our trailer is home almost six months a year, providing a base whether we are kayaking, fishing, backpacking—or off setting up our tripods.
Many of the pictures posted in our albums and in our blogs have also been published in our books. Others have been published by periodicals making used of materials in the natural history and travel genre. Some of the photographs, in fact, have appeared so many times that in a number of cases they have almost become cliché’s—and are quickly recognized as protected images from the Gildarts’ “Photographic Library.”
LEGAL PROTECTION: We must mention that all photographs and journal entries are copyrighted, and, therefore, protected by law with specified consequences for plagiarism. If you enter this site you are doing so as one who has been advised of the legal consequences resulting from unauthorized—and unpaid for—usage. And now we thank you for indulging these necessary comments.
When you enter, you will find our Weblog with frequent postings often indicating our general location. If you have story suggestions appropriate for the categories of travel or natural resources posted in these pages—or if you know of people who might make exceptional human interest stories—please drop a note; often we can find outlets.
Thank you,
Bert and Jane Gildart