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Files contain approximately 70, 000 fully captioned transparencies. Assisted in sales exclusively by Peter Arnold, a New York based agent. Most transparencies in the 35 mm format, though files include a growing number of 4x5's. Credits number in the thousands and include publication in such periodicals as: Audubon, Backpacker, National Geographic and Sierra Club books, Christian Science Monitor, Chevy Outdoors, Defenders of Wildlife, Field & Stream, Los Angeles Times, National Wildlife, Native Peoples, Ranger Rick, Highlights for Children, International Wildlife, Montana Magazine, National Wildlife, Natural History, New York Times, Chevron USA, Vista USA, Southwest Art, Sunset, Trailer Life, Travel/Holiday, Defenders of Wildlife, Time/Life, The Wilderness Society and numerous encyclopedia companies. Photos also used for commercial products. Complete photo stories have appeared in Smithsonian. Author of nine books (several co-authored with wife, Jane)-and mostly illustrated with our photos. Recipient of many first, second and third place awards from the Outdoor Writer's Association of America and from the Montana Press Association. Have been sponsored by British Airways and Delta Airlines as well as by a number of state and international travel organizations to include Maupintour. The Oklahoma, Montana, Florida, South Dakota, Minnesota, Manitoba Departments of Tourism have sponsored our travels to and throughout their states. |
Alaska-Much coverage from around the state, particularly from Denali, Fairbanks, Prudhoe Bay, the Arctic Refuge and a number of bush villages from along the Yukon and Porcupine Rivers. Fishing for "Eskimo tarpon." Fish camps along the Yukon. ALCAN Highway-Many recent and not-so-recent trips along the ALCAN. Includes wildlife, camping sites and general travel along this 1,200-mile road stretching from Dawson to Fairbanks. Alligators-From the Everglades. Good coverage of recently hatched young. Amana Colonies-Assignment to these beautiful Iowa villages. Antelope-Thorough life history coverage. Anza Borrego-a California state park that celebrates the desert. Much coverage. Appalachian Trail-Segments in Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Arches National Park-Extensive coverage in 35mm. Arctic National WL Refuge-Extensive coverage acquired while on a number of different assignments. Coverage includes much aerial photography, backpack and rafting. Photographs of individual species as well to include moose, caribou, fox, bears and birds. Athabascan Fiddle Festival-Extensive coverage of this annual event, to include images of fiddlers and backup acoustic guitar players. Coverage also includes images of dancers performing the jig, the rope dance and a variety of other steps. Avocet-Coverage of diversion tactics employed by this species to divert predators. Aztec-extensive coverage in both 35mm and 4x5 formats of these exceptional ruins in New Mexico. |
Backpacking-Through many national parks and wilderness areas. Badger-Many close ups. Badlands-extensive coverage in both 35mm and 4x5 formats. Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada-Hut-to-Hut skiing in Banff and Jasper. Many 35mm of wildlife and scenes. Bears-Much coverage of black bears, some of grizzlies. Betatakin-extensive coverage of these ancient ruins Birds: Coverage of many species of birds from many wildlife refuges and national parks throughout the USA. Good depth of field for tiny species such as hummingbirds obtained using multiple strobes. Select species for detail. Groupings include avocets, killdeers, pelicans, owl, hawks, eagles etc. Bison-Photographs of bison from all over North America. Black Hills-Many photographs of the Black hills region, particularly of the hiking trails throughout. BLM (Bureau of Land Management) Wilderness Areas (Essentially in southern California)-Carrizo, Cuymac, Jacumba, Mecca, Mojave, Nopah, Orocopia and Resting Springs. Bob Marshall Wilderness Area-Hunting, fishing, rafting and horse-back riding. Rafting includes difficult maneuvers through Meadow Creek Gorge. Botany (Also see flowers)-Close up photographs often with strobes to show floral parts, sepals, stamens, pistol, anther and so on. Bowdoin-Extensive coverage of the major species occupying this refuge, specifically the pelicans and cormorants. Branson, Missouri-Much coverage for magazines of this "new" Nashville to include singers and the town site. Bryce-Many photographs of backcountry trails to include specifics of Hoodoos, Limber pine trees, thought to be one of the world's most ancient species. Burrowing Owl-Many published photographs. Fledglings emerging from prairie den; adult returning with grasshoppers in beak. |
Cannon Beach, The Oregon Site where a whale washed ashore and from which Lewis hoped to have a grand harvest of meat. Unfortunately for them, local Indians beat them to the site. Cedar Breaks-Good coverage of this National Monument, which preserves magnificent scenery and the ancient bristle cone pine. Canyon de Chelly-photographs for magazines and for stock of these fascinating Indian ruins. Special trip with Navajo interpreter. Caribou-From Denali, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and from along ALCAN Highway, both woodland and barren ground. Migrating in large numbers, swimming rivers. Carrizo-One of the new BLM wildnerss areas in California. Much coverage. Cuymac-One of the new BLM wildnerss areas in California. Much coverage. Chaco-photographs for magazines and for stock of these famed Indian ruins. Chief Plenty Coups State Park-Much coverage of this quiet state park located in southeastern Montana to include dedication of the new visitor center and activities associate with the Chief Plenty Coups Day of Honor. Though history has somewhat overlooked this chief, in the late 1800s and early 1900s, he was one of the most influential among Native Americans, helping to bridge the gap between the two cultures at a time when the rift may have been greatest. Chipmunks-much coverage. California's desert areas-Much coverage of the California BLM Wilderness areas. Camping-General scenes of tenting and backpacking. Canoeing-Generally through Montana's rivers but some in Everglades National Park along the Wilderness Waterway. Channel Island National Park-story for Smithsonian about the elephant seals occupying these islands. My coverage of this species is extensive and includes males "hauling" from the ocean, males protecting their harems, the 6,000 pound bulls battling for superiority and the females nursing their young. Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge-some coverage of this extensive refuge named for the famous Montana cowboy artist by the same name. China Lake Naval Weapons Center-special permission obtained to tour the military base to photograph North America's largest concentration of petroglyphs. Chief Plenty Coup State Park-Extensive Coverage of new facilities to include "Day of Honor" and the reenactment of the Arrow Creek Battle. Coral Pink Sand Dunes-some coverage in 35mm. Cormorants-Feeding young, nesting. Cowboys, rodeos, ranch-life-much coverage of the Montana's ranching activities while producing stories for the United States Information Agency. One story concerned Hutterites. Others concern specific families in Montana while another, with much coverage, includes the famous "Miles City Bucking Horse Sale." Coyotes-Extensive files, most aspects of life history. Cumberland Island Nat. Seashore-some coverage in 35mm format. Custer Battlefield-extensive coverage for stock and magazine assignments. See Little Bighorn Battlefield, now the correct and preferred name. |
Death Valley National Park-extensive coverage for stock and magazine assignments to include the recent additions to this park. Deer-both white tail and mule deer, extensive coverage. Denali National Park -much coverage. Includes caribou, bear and the park's abundant plant life. Excellent reflections of Denali at sunset when Wonder Lake was perfectly calm. Dinosaur National Monument-Coverage of petroglyphs, rafting, camping, hiking and the monument's many geological phenomena. Ducks-Most species to include wood duck, mallard, pintail. |
Eagles-bald eagles from along Lake McDonald in Glacier Park for various magazines. Egrets-Cattle egret, great white, from Everglades. Egypt-Nile River from the high Aswan Dam to Alexandria. Many stops along way to include early morning excursion into the desert to photograph Pyramids of Giza. Temple of the Kings and Temples of the Queen. Art work on walls. Bazaar depicting custom of residents carrying almost anything and everything on their heads. Stops from cruise boat at Temple of Karnak, Cairo, Luxor, Dendra, Osiris; by falucca around Elephatine Island. Files include "Nile-o-meter," Coptic Churches, Step pyramid. Side trips to the Sudan, El Alamein. Belly dancing. Sponsored by Maupintour. Elephants seals-Most all aspects of life on San Miguel Island where they "haul" ashore for breeding and birthing. Everglades National Park-much 35mm coverage of the Wilderness Waterway and the wildlife, to include birds and alligators |
Fairbanks-Chena River tours as well as other areas summer visitors would enjoy in this area. Fish Camps-all aspects of native fish camps, from the Yukon, Porcupine and McKenzie rivers. Fishing-Throughout Montana and Alaska. Florida Keys-Sponsored by Florida Department of Tourism for story on Keys. Hemmingway home, famed sunset at Mallory Square. Flowers-Hundreds of fully captioned photographs to include scientific names. Also see Botany. Fort Clatsop-Good coverage of this Oregon National Monument commemorating and interpreting the area where the Corps of Discovery (Lewis & Clark) spent the winter. Freezout Lake-Located along the Rocky Mountain Front east of Montana's Continental Divide, this series of large ponds managed by Montana's Department of Fish Wildlife & Parks, attracts one of the nation's largest concentration of snow geese. In record years, numbers during the peak in April have reached 500,000 snow geese. As well the lakes attract tundra swans by the thousands as well as a host of other species of waterfowl. In 2003, I covered the concentration for several publications and my photographs of the area depict this annual spectacle of migrating birds-at their peak. One of my photographs may show as many as 10,000 snow geese in one frame. |
Gila Monsters-From the Sonora Desert Wildlife Museum. Glacier National Park-Extensive coverage of Glacier to include history and natural history. In fact, my library of photographs of this park began in the early '70s, and must be among the most extensive. Formats include 35mm, 2 1/2 and 4x5 images. Goats-extensive coverage, most from Glacier Park but some from Banff and from Olympic Park. Grand Tetons National Park-A number of the peaks. Great Bear Wilderness Area-When added to the wilderness system, this are created a contiguous land mass consisting of Glacier Park, the Bob Marshall and Great Bear, important for perpetuation of the grizzly bear. By itself the area deserves wilderness designation as it offers some of the best wild-water rafting found anywhere in North America, which I have covered extensively. As well, the area offers superb fishing, which I have also covered. Great Blue Herons-Much coverage. Great-horned owl-at nest, with young, feeding. Great Smoky National Park -stories (to include my own) illustrated with these photographs. Green River Float-Many photographs from along this river; fishing. Ground squirrels-Much coverage Grouse-blue, sharptail and some sage. Gulls-Mostly the California Gull, which nests in Montana. Gwich'in Indians-See our page, "Travels Among the Gwich'in," devoted specifically to this most northern of all Indian tribes (Eskimos live further north). We've lived in the villages as teachers and later returned as writers and photographers. We admire the group and believe in their efforts to preserve the Porcupine Caribou herd, which in turn depends on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. |
Harlan's Hawk-Close-ups of this dark version of the Red-tailed hawk. Hawk Owl-Beautiful portraits of this owl in Jasper National Park, a species which has the tail of a hawk , giving it a falcon-like appearance. Headwaters State Park-Located in Montana at the confluence of the Madison, Jefferson and Gallatin rivers. Hovenweep-Extensive coverage in 35mm and 4x5 images of famed Indian ruins. Hutterites-A group that fled Russia and Europe in search of religious freedom, now residing in Montana and other prairie states. Though Hutterites generally do not permit photography, the Hillside Colony cooperated with our efforts. Hummingbirds-Mostly the calliope nesting and feeding young. Hunting-Much coverage throughout Montana for many national magazines. |
Indians and their Pow Wows-Much coverage through Montana, Okalahoma and South Dakota. |
Jacumba-One of the new BLM wildnerss areas. Much coverage. Jasper National Park, Alberta-Hut to Hut skiing in Banff and Jasper. Many 35mm of wildlife and scenics. Jays, Grey-Many of this species, also known as "camp robber." Jewel Basin Wilderness Area-a exceptional hiking and fishing area, set aside specifically for hiking, which I have covered. Joshua Tree National Monument-includes many 35 and 4x5 images. |
Kalispell-Files are deep of this Flathead town, which they should be as it is near our home. Located adjacent to Glacier National Park one of my books concerns Montana Flathead Valley, published by Montana Magazine. Killdeer-Thorough coverage of this interesting species that feints a broken wing to divert danger from its nest site. |
Leavenworth, Washington-Once a floundering railroad residents changed ambiance to that of a Bavarian German village. Much coverage to accommodate one of the Gildart's stories. Lewis & Clark-Much coverage throughout the West of the many Lewis & Clark sites, but particularly extensive files of Montana's Wild & Scenic River, where the celebrated "Corps of Discovery" spent much of its time. Recent coverage of Fort Clatsop and Cannon Beach, both in Oregon. Fifteen years ago I produced a book, mostly illustrated with my photographs of this stretch of river. However, my extensive files also include much current coverage, some for recent magazine work. Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park-Extensive coverage of tours through caverns and of the various formations in this Montana state park. Little Bighorn Battlefield (Formerly Custer)-Extensive coverage for my many stories of this battlefield and for stock. 4x5 and 35mm. Coverage includes native interpreters. Long-eared owl-Many published photographs |
Madison Buffalo State Park-a state park in Montana which preserves the days when Indian would stampede bison over cliffs. Marmots-Have illustrated my stories of this "Champion Wilderness Whistler," with my photographs. Mammals: Two books have been illustrated with my slides of mammals. Mecca-One of the new BLM wilderness areas in California, which we have covered. Medicine Wheel-Located in Wyoming, this immense Native American "spiritual" site continues to inspire. Mesa Verde-Some images of these famed Indian ruins. Miles City Bucking Horse Sale-Thorough coverage, for magazine assignment from this most favorite of Montana rodeos to accompany one of our stories. Mojave National Preserve-Beautiful desert preserve in California which we have recently covered. Montana-Extensive coverage of many of state's major features. Have authored five books in American Geographic's popular series about Montana, all illustrated with many of my photographs. Frequently contribute stories illustrated with my photographs about various aspects from around state. Montana's Wild & Scenic Missouri River-Extensive coverage of this famed Lewis & Clark corridor. Mountain Sheep-All four species meaning the Dall, Stone, Rocky Mountain Bighorn, Desert Bighorn. Extensive coverage, some for my book Mountain Monarchs. Mule Deer-Extensive collection depicting most aspects of life history. Library also depicts bucks with huge antlers and atypical development. |
Natchez Trace Nat. Pkwy-Produced a book about this park, illustrated with photographs from our files. National Bison Range (Montana)-extensive coverage National Parks-We've covered dozens. Pick a park and see if we've got it. National Wildlife Refuges: (Extensive coverage of Arctic, Bowdoin, Charles M. Russell and National Bison Range. See alphabetical listing for a specific refuge. New Jersey-Our photographs show the dramatic changes New Jersey has undergone in transforming its image from an industrial hub to one with a rustic, often "arty" appearance. Includes the Pine Barrens, made famous by John McPhee in his book by same name. New Orleans-French Quarter Nopah-One of the BLM wilderness areas in California, of which we have extensive coverage. Northern Lights-Several of our northern lights photos have been published over and over. They're from Alaska. |
Oklahoma-Extensive coverage of Oklahoma while on my many and varied trips to this fascinating state. Fishing Lake Texoma for stripper bass, several assignments. Olympic National Park-many 2-1/4 and 35mm transparencies of rain forest, park's interior and seashore. Osprey-Nesting, and feeding young. Owls: Life history studies of the following species of owls: Burrowing Owl, Great-horned Owl, Hawk Owl, Long-eared owl, Saw-whet owl, Spotted Owl. |
Pelicans-Complete life history of white pelicans, specifically those that fly north to Montana, seeking the small, treeless islands characteristic of prairie environments. Files include adults incubating young, young emerging as blind, naked and helpless chicks from eggs-vulnerable to predation from gulls, constantly circling overhead. Files also include white pelicans in flight, revealing how graceful these huge birds with nine-foot wing spans can be. Files also include some brown pelican photographs. Petroglyphs-Fascinating carvings thought by some to be made with rock, made throughout West. Our coverage is from many sites to include Dinosaur, Canyonlands, China Lakes Navel Weapons Center and many others. Photography-Showing techniques with lighting and composition. Pika-Have several of this smallest member of the rabbit family. Pompey's Pillar-Located in Montana and is a site which preserves the writing of Captain Clark of the Lewis & Clark expedition on a cliff face. Pow wows-To include Blackfeet, Sioux, Salish-Kootenai in Montana and other tribes in Oklahoma and South Dakota on Pine Ridge. Prairies-extensive coverage of prairie areas to include many life forms such as rattle snakes, burrowing owls and vegetation. Prairie dog-modest library of various forms of behavior to include whistling, standing erect and "throwing" itself backward. Prudhoe-Photo assignment in summer of 2001 flew us over this entire complex for over a day. Coverage includes 23 Mine Site and Land fill, Badami development, Kuparuk, Colville River Delta, Endicott Development, Tam (formerly Terw) Development, Kuparuk River Unit and Drill Site, Alpine Pipeline, pack ice, and, of course, Prudhoe Bay complex itself. Ptarmigan-White-tailed ptarmigan, "Bird of the Snow," our story illustrated with our photographs |
Rabbits-Cotton tail as well as "hares," as the jack-rabbit is more properly termed. Rafting-rafting of many Montana rivers and others in Utah and Alaska. Specifically, Utah's Green and Yampa rivers as well as Alaska's Hulahula River. Raven-Close ups of this mythical bird. Recreational Vehicles-During the 10 year period I worked as a travel editor for Trailer Life and Motor Home Magazines, I amassed many photographs of motor-homes and trailers. Jayco and Winnebago often sponsored my travels. Resting Springs-One of the new BLM wilderness areas in California which we have recently covered. |
Sandhill cranes-Much coverage from along various Platte River , Nebraska locations for one the Gildart's stories. San Juan Islands-for stories and stock, many 35mm images. Sheep-Bighorn, Desert, Dall and Stone, many for my book on Mountain Monarchs. Shenandoah-Thousands of photographs gathered as Jane and Bert produced two hiking guides to this park. Flowers, trails, people Appalachian Trail. Ski-touring-In Glacier and Jasper National Park, Alt. Skunks-Not many but some (published) of skunk emerging from log. South Fork of Montana Flathead River-Rafting and fishing this famous Bob Marshall Wilderness area river. Spotted Owl-Extensive coverage of hunting and nesting activities. Superb images of Spotted Owls in flight and of them hunting. Coverage, too, of biologists monitoring their activities. Squirrels-Red squirrel and "flying squirrel." Subsistence living among the Athabascan Indian peoples of Alaska. Files include hunting, trapping and fish. |
Teddy Roosevelt National Park-for stories and stock in 35mm format. Travel: Egypt's Nile River and US destinations ranging from coast to coast and corner to corner, including: ALCAN Highway, Amana Colonies, Florida Keys, Montana, Oklahoma, San Juan Islands, remote Indian villages in Alaska (for nearly 11 yrs.), bordering the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Extensive coverage of Arctic Refuge and of Prudhoe Bay. Extensive coverage of Montana and recent coverage of California's desert areas. Turkey Vulture-Recent photographs |
Utah-The state contains five national parks and we've covered most of them. See Zion, Bryce, Canyonlands, Arches, Dinosaur and Green River. |
Vicksburg-Some from this famous battlefield obtained while producing book on Natchez Vole-Oregon Red Tree Vole. Close-ups of the species removing outer portion of needle to expose sieve tube, a preferred food item. |
Wilderness Areas: Extensive coverage of Bob Marshal, Cabinets, Jewel Basin, UL Bend, all in Montana; and, extensive coverage of many of the 40-some new BLM wilderness areas established in California. Also see BLM Wilderness. Wind Cave National Park-for stories and stock in 35mm format. Wood Ducks-close ups of multi-colored male; some of female as well. Woodpeckers-Pileated, Hairy, Downy. |
Yellowstone National Park -extensive files of geyser and wildlife. |
Zion National Park-extensive files in both 35mm and 4x5 formats. |
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