Day’s Best Photo from Zion National Park
©Bert Gildart: Zion National Park is a photographer’s paradise, and we’ll be here for a few more days. We’re amassing a large number of new images for our stock photo files (much of our business), and over the next few days we’ll be posting one or two from each day’s outing.

Moon rising in Temple of Sinawava
The image posted today was taken in the Temple of Sinawava, at the end of the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive, which is about six miles from the park entrance. The advantage of visiting at this time of year is that you are not required to take the shuttle, which increases your ability to move around. The image was made late in the day, and at the time a crescent moon was rising over this huge mass of slick rock, which was capped with snow. The dark trees in the foreground add depth, and the deepening shadows some sense of drama.
Because the moon is small on most computer screens, the image looks better as a slightly larger image. Still, I think it shows the potential of photography in Zion National Park, so I’ve posted it as my day’s best.