Prescott’s Promised Land
©Bert Gildart: It’s hard to say which of the many experiences our group enjoyed was my favorite, but I guess it would be the opportunity to photograph Rich, Sadira (who writes a very interesting blog ), and Janie strung out along a canyon wall that embraces part of “The Promised Land.”
The Promised Land is one of the many canyons that surround Prescott, but it is one that Rich Charpentier particularly likes. Rich is a rock climber and photographer, and for him the area contains much promise. Look at his blog postings from this area, and you’ll see why.
Photography is also the reason I liked the area, and when Rich, Sadira and I looked down on the canyon below where Janie was waiting, the thought occurred to me that it would be particularly dramatic if my two companions would join Janie-after we explored the cave that had lured us to the overlook.
Rich had long ago noticed the cave we explored and as we entered it we all thought what a great place it would be for mountain lions, and Rich said that in the year he’d been exploring the Promised Land he’d seen much sign of their presence.
But today, there were no mountains lions, just hard blackened walls engrained from long years of past prehistoric use.
More than likely, this was a cave Native Americans had once used, and there was evidence, too, in the canyon below of their former presence. Throughout the long canyon, here and there we saw that a heavy patina covered the walls, providing a perfect surface for rock art.
Sure enough, as we wandered we found all sorts of strange images, some that could have represented the sun or the sinuous impression of reptiles. But more typically, we found the faded carvings of deer. In some instances we saw walls depicting entire herds of deer. What a promised land this must truly have been for past nomadic hunters.
Rich photographed the impressions, and because his images turned out so well, I refer you to them . I also refer you to Rich’s blog because I think he is a person to be much admired.
Certainly I admire him because we both share similar environmental concerns-and, of course, because we share a love of Airstream Trailer travel.
But in the past few years, Rich has made some major life transitions and emerged successfully, something not everyone seems to do. Until a few years ago, Rich was in charge of wireless communications for AT&T. But for a variety of reasons the life style of a high roller went contrary to his grain and he gave it up, electing instead to travel the country until he found Prescott-and a more simple style of life.
Today, he is extraordinarily contented man. He holds a less stressful job that allows him time to pursue his other passions. Those passions now include photography, rock climbing and scheduled magazine columns about electronic gadgets–and how they can simplify our lives.
From time to time he also voices his concerns for the future of our environment, thoughts we all shared as we hiked the Promised Land. Because the area provided such dramatic diversity, it certainly was a promised land, one that lived up to its name not only because of its fabulous features but because of the companions who had helped make it so interesting.
(Posting from last year about this time: Spring Awakening .)