Favorite Travel Quotes

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts."
-- Mark Twain
Innocents Abroad

"Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey." -- Fitzhugh Mullan

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving." -- Lao Tzu

Water To Save A Village


James Nampushi, hoping to help his village in Suswa, Kenya acquire water that could be life saving.

©Bert Gildart: About a week ago I related a story about James Nampushi, a Maasai Warrior from Suswa, a small village in Kenya, Africa.

My posted story retold one that James had related to the Clemson University media department, explaining how he had killed a lion so that he might be eligible for Maasai warrior status.

At the time of my posting, I didn’t have the information necessary to detail James’ real passion, and that is to help his village obtain monies necessary to sink a well.

Right now, villagers must travel for miles each day to bucket up water that is dirty and possibly contaminated with disease.

They deserve better.


When completed, the well will provide clean water for over 1,000 Maasai people of Suswa, Kenya, and for thousands of cattle, sheep, goats and area wildlife. James sent me a link to a video in which he more thoroughly explains the situation, and it is excellent. This man is a warrior, a highly intelligent one at that; a man who is also seeking advanced degrees at Clemson University in South Carolina.  James knows that in this day and age if he is really going to help his village advance itself, he needs the best eduction he can get.

Watch the video and you’ll see James is an impressive spokesperson, and if you are interested in helping the village, you can donate to the cause, making check to:


Maasai Water Project

C/O Infinity Church
P.O. Box 249
Fountain Inn, SC 29644

Currently James is working on a master’s degree in park management. James and I became friends several months ago when our paths crossed at Cumberland Island National Seashore, just off the coast of South Carolina. Janie and I plan to make a donation.


This coming week Janie and I will be making about a two-hour drive to the Izaak Walton Inn, an historic old hotel located near Glacier National Park. The stay constitutes part of my research on a book about Glacier that I’m contracted to write. Winter in this northwestern part of Montana is in full force, and currently it looks much like this scene set along the North Fork of the Flathead River. We’ll be doing lots of cross-country skiing.

52165 N-Fork13047

Enraged bull elk; North Fork of Flathead River in Winter

Incidentally, Janie and I have invited James to visit us here in Montana, and he’s expressed an interest. I told him we have lots of moose , elk and bears here in the Rockies, and the prospect of seeing such creatures in the wild might just be the inducement he needs. If you come, James, bring your camera. And if you’re here in the fall I’ll bet we can find another just like the one posted here.




*Dolphin Superpod




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