Favorite Travel Quotes

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts."
-- Mark Twain
Innocents Abroad

"Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey." -- Fitzhugh Mullan

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving." -- Lao Tzu

Heading For Alaska

©Bert Gildart: Departing tomorrow for Alaska, and it seems appropriate to post of few photographs from one of my favorite north-country settings, the Arctic Refuge, a place we’ve visited literally dozens of times. During those times we’ve seen grizzly bears, wolverines, thousands of caribou, and one day, we awoke to a snow storm. But it quickly lifted and left us basking in a wonderland.


Arctic flowers, it's all about adaptation to harsh conditions.

Two of my favorite photographs from that ADVENTURE include the ones posted here. Somehow these plants have evolved to survive harsh winds and cold temperatures. Look, for instance at the arctic dryad engulfed with snow.

No telling what features we’ll see this time, but we’re exciting about traveling the Alcan and then getting to Fairbanks and seeing our many Gwich’in Indian friends, with whom we lived for a number of years.


The Gwich’in, for those of you who don’t recall from my many previous postings, are the northern-most Indian tribe in America (Eskimos live further north) and they have fought a wonderful and telling battle to preserve the core calving ground of the Porcupine Caribou herd, which is located in the northern part of the Arctic Refuge.


Beatuty of the Arctic Refuge, about 15 miles from Arctic Ocean

We’ll be posting as we go–and when we can find Internet Cafes. It’s expensive to purchase Internet access time through Verizon, but we’ll do the best we can to find cafes.



*Keeper of Kintla (This post continues to generate comments)


3 Responses to “Heading For Alaska”

  1. tom palesch Says:

    We wish you a safe journey a wave “good-bye” with envy in our eyes. As our sailing friends would say to others leaving on a long passage …”may you have fair winds and following seas.”

    We look forward to your postings.

  2. Bert Says:

    Thanks, Tom, and we’ll be writing lots of posts, POSTING them when we have access to an Internet Cafe.

  3. Rich Charpentier Says:

    Wish I was going Bert! The flower shots are great. The second one reminds me of flowers above treeline in the White Mountains. So, now homesick and jealous. :)

    Have a great trip, and be safe.