No One At Pegleg? Not a Single Soul!
©Bert Gildart: Here in California’s Borrego Springs, the day’s highs for the past few weeks have at times exceeded the 100 degree mark. Little wonder so few people are now camped at either of our two favorite campgrounds: Pegleg and The Springs of Borrego.
But we’re here because of my interest in certain creatures, and the hot temperatures of October encourage male tarantulas to leave their lairs, hoping to find females with whom they can develop a friendship. For those interested in these creatures, it’s the best time of the year to find them.
Nevertheless, we’re with the majority – acknowledging that the temperatures are uncomfortable. As a result we did not pull into Pegleg, the campground at which we’ve made our winter home these past few years. To be comfortable in October at Pegleg one needs enough electricity to power one’s air conditioner, which our six solar panels can’t muster up. Apparently other dedicated Pegleggers have also reached the same conclusion, for as we drove by this flat expanse of sand, we noticed that the campsite was totally and completely barren. Mike wasn’t there, and neither were Don and Nancy; nor were Ted and Carol.

Pegleg -- absolutely devoid of campers. Note our truck (a dot) in middle, which is the only sign of a prospective winter camper.
And so we pulled into the Springs of Borrego, a luxury RV resort at which we’ve also stayed in the past. Here, although we’re not completely alone, the campground is not exactly overflowing. No one is using the golf course but a few others are using the swimming pool. As well, we’re taking early morning bike rides and are searching for what appear to be likely hang outs for tarantulas and scorpions. Though we’ve just gotten started, some say it might be just a trifle too early. And, so, when we get tired of our search, we return to our air conditioned Airstream where I work on assigned stories.
We’ve really got a pretty full schedule, but not so full that we can’t find a little time to swim laps in their full-size pool. It’s nice to have all the facilities to ourselves, and have concluded this is really a pretty nice time of year to be here, though some aspects won’t last long. Temperatures are supposed to moderate and when that happens, we suspect the facilities will be attracting its usual complement of Snowbirds.
(You can order our new books (shown below ) from Amazon — or you can order them directly from the Gildarts. Bert will knock a dollar off the list price of $16.95, but he must add the cost of book-rate mailing and the mailer, which are $2.25. The grand total then is $18.20. Please send checks to Bert Gildart at 1676 Riverside Road, Bigfork, MT 59911.)